Monday, April 14, 2008


APRIL 3, 2008

The Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners held a hearing on
April 3, 2008 at 6pm concerning the Lyons Ridge ODP. The Planning and
Zoning staff made their presentation and AGAIN recommended DENIAL "based on
the criteria set forth in the Community Plan" regarding subareas,
visual resources and design guidelines.

The applicant made their presentation, followed by an impressive list
of speakers representing the Hogback Conservancy Coalition. The Hogback
Conservancy Coalition (HCC) is an organization comprised of eleven
homeowner associations, as well as Red Rocks County Club and the Willow
Springs Open Space Owners Association. The HCC represents over 1,000
homes and over 2,000 Jefferson County residents in the area west of
the Dakota Hogback, south of US Hwy 285 and north of Ken Caryl North

Over a dozen HOA representatives and residents spoke on the subjects
of: the integrity of the SJCCP (South Jefferson County Community Plan),
failure of ODP to meet criteria for Plan Exceptions, removal of
existing campus, ODP densities vs. densities along Belleview and
throughout community and impact on rural character. Property rights
issues and design guidelines were also leading topics.

The Commissioners decided at 9pm to "continue" the hearing until April
15th at 6pm when the remaining testimony will be heard and a decision
will be made.

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