Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Prepared by the Hogback Conservancy Coalition (HCC) on January 27, 2008

A revised CCU/Lyons Ridge Official Development Plan (ODP) was submitted to Jefferson County on January 22, 2008. The Jeffco Planning Commission will hold a hearing on the proposed ODP at 6:15 pm on February 13, 2008 at the Jeffco County offices at 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Hearing Room 1.

It is extremely important for area residents to attend this hearing and to express opposition to any development proposal that is not consistent with the South Jefferson County Community Plan (SJCCP), a plan that was adopted by the Jeffco Planning Commission in March, 2007, as a guide for land use decisions in South Jefferson County.

The revised ODP continues to propose 280 houses, but for reasons related to density limitations imposed by the Urban Growth Boundary, the revised ODP proposes a major shift in density from the area east of Lyons Ridge to the area west of Lyons Ridge. Whereas earlier ODPs (8/27/07) called for as many as 80 houses west of Lyons Ridge and as many as 200 houses in the hogback valley, the newly revised ODP calls for as many as 150 houses west of Lyons Ridge and as many as 150 houses in the hogback valley (the total cannot exceed 280). Development in accordance with the SJCCP would allow only about 35 houses in the hogback valley.

Please click to see a detailed summary of some of the major issues with the revised ODP.


Unknown said...

Excellent work, HCC.

Hopefully there will be a large turnout Feb 13th.

Unknown said...

My wife and I look forward to showing our support to maintain the quality of our community.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this blog. It's extremely informative.